Preliminary Program
September 17
Location: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara, 10 - 00165 Roma
Welcome address
News on the LARES experiment
Press Conference/Round Table.
Moderator: Giovanni Caprara (Corriere della Sera)
Participants (in alfabetical order):
Coffee break
Lectio Magistralis by Sir Roger Penrose (Oxford University - UK)
On the Detection of Pre-Big-Bang Events: Current Observations and Future Experiments.
Opening lectures of Workshop
Giovanni Bignami (President of INAF, COSPAR and member of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
Nazzareno Mandolesi (Principal Investigator of PLANCK and consigliere di amministrazione ASI)
14:30 Award cerimony
Hour:15:00 Sessions chairman: Ignazio Ciufolini
15:00 Enrico Saggese (President of Italian Space Agency): Preparation of ESA Ministerial and NASA-ASI collaborations for Space Exploration
15:30 Pier Giuliano Lasagni (Senior Vice President of AVIO Space Division) and Paolo Bellomi (Technical director of ELV): The successful experience of the first qualification flight of Vega, having in parallel the worth mission to lift Lares
16:00 Erricos Pavlis (University of Maryland and NASA Goddard): The contribution of LARES in future ITRF developments
16:30 Rolf Koenig (GFZ - Germany): Some aspects and perspectives of measuring Lense-Thirring with GNSS and geodetic satellites
17:00 Coffee Break
Hour17:30 Sessions chairman: Gaetano Vilasi
17:30 Reinhart Neubert (GFZ - Potzdam (Germany)): Precise estimate of the centre of mass correction for LARES and LAGEOS using laser data from Potsdam station
18:00 Ignazio Ciufolini (Salento University): Testing General Relativity and Fundamental Physics using LARES and LAGEOS satellites
18:30 Angelo Tartaglia (politecnico di Torino): Light as a probe of fundamental physics in space
19:00 - 19:30 LARES team meeting
September 18
Location: Hotel Donna Camilla Savelli (Sala Papi)
Via Garibaldi 27 - 00153 Roma
Tel (+39) 06 588861
Hour:9:00 Sessions chairman: Vahe Gurzadyan - Co-chair Ignazio Ciufolini
9:00 Vahe Gurzadyan (Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics Alikhanian National Laboratory, Yerevan (Armenia)): Separation of signals: correlations vs randomness
9:30 Vladimir Lukash (Lebedev Physical Institute - Moscow (Russia)): General Relativity-singularities and cosmogenesis
10:00 Gaetano Vilasi (Dept. of Physics - University of Salerno and INFN (Italy)): On the gravitational interaction of light and may gravity be repulsive?
10:30 Slava Turyshev (JPL and NASA): Science Investigations with Laser Ranging to the Moon and Mars/Phobos
11:00 Coffee Break
Hour:11:30 Sessions chairman: Erricos Pavlis - Co-chair Antonio Paolozzi
11:30 Stefano Bianchi (ESA's Vega programme manager ESA-ESRIN (Italy)):
12:00 Francesco Depasquale (Chief Executive Officer of ELV):
12:30 Antonio Paolozzi (Sapienza University) e Francesco Passeggio (OMPM): LARES the satellite of records
13:00 Enrico Flamini (Chief Scientist of (ASI) and PM of LARES), Elio Mangraviti (PM of LARES (CGS))
13:30 Launch
Hour:14:30 - 16:30 Lares team meeting
16:30 Sergej Kopeikin (Dept of Physics and Astronomy - University of Missouri (USA)
17:00 - 19:00 Lares team meeting
September 19
Social Event (guided tour to the archaeological sites of Ercolano-Oplontis-Pompei) and Closing Round Table.